Thursday, January 14, 2016

Christmas Surprise

By: Saraya W.

           Yesterday was Christmas and I was woken up at 1a.m. in the morning because I saw a bright red light outside.  When I went outside to see what it was, I couldn’t see anything because that red light blinded me.  I wanted to turn it off!
            I grabbed the atrocious light ball in my hand.  I tugged on it until it popped out of the snow pile.  I saw that the annoying red thing was attached to a reindeer!  I was so happy to see a reindeer!
            I brought the reindeer in my house.  My mom yelled at me because the reindeer dropped snow everywhere. 
            Wait!  All this time the reindeer was…..RUDOLPH!
            How was I going to return him back to Santa? 
            When I looked at Rudolph, I saw a name tag.  It said, “If found, return to 613 Candy Cane Mint Ice Cream Lane.  Call (318)Candy-cane-mint-ice cream. 
            I decided to call…5 minutes later, it was Santa on the phone.  He said, “thank you for calling.  That means that you are now on the Good List.” 
            I looked up in the sky and suddenly Santa was flying right above me! 

            It was great meeting Rudolph and Santa.  I will never forget that magical Christmas, nor the annoying red light flashing at me every 3 seconds.

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