Monday, February 9, 2015

My Special Snowflake

By: Sam, Mrs. Spencer's 1st Grade Class
     One day when I went sledding in Pennsylvania, I was about to ramp off of some snow when a snowflake fell on my nose.
     Later, I noticed that the snowflake is very special.  It would do anything I wanted it to do!
     The next day, I went home.  I put it in my refrigerator.  I gave it a secret power.  The power was that it would make my family better.
     The next day, I opened the refrigerator.  The jar was frozen, but the snowflake wasn’t.  It was just spinning around and around.  It was working on its power! 
     A few days later, I realized that it was growing.  It was getting bigger every night!  I decided to give it a name.  It’s name is Little.  I also gave it some ice, and the power was working! 
      I gave my snowflake a milkshake.
     Me and my snowflake liked the name Little. 
     We had a great time.
The End

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful story! Great job Sam! Keep up the good work!
