Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Welcome Back!

I can't believe another school year has already begun!  My, how time flies!  I hope all of you are enjoying your new teachers and already learning lots of new things...especially new writing techniques!

So, why don't you show them off? I bet you are all buzzing with lots of cool summer stories.  I have re-posted the submission guidelines below, and can't wait to read some awesome writing!

Guidelines for Submissions and Comments

Submissions may be sent to swansboroteach@gmail.com.  After the writings are reviewed, they will be posted my the webmasters of this blog.
  • ORIGINAL work only
  • Microsoft Word document
  • Clipart is optional
  • Make sure to include your name, school, grade level, and teacher's name
We encourage POSITIVE comments on writings you enjoy.  Since ALL comments will be moderated to ensure proper commenting etiquette, please allow 24 hours for your comment(s) to show up on the blog.  Inappropriate comments WILL NOT be posted.

Writing Genre
Suggested Writing Prompt
Write a letter to last year’s teacher

__ grade is the best grade because…

__ is the best vacation destination because…

My Summer Vacation

My First Day of School
My teacher turned into a

Class Rules/Procedures

School Bus Safety Rules